Open Registrations & Registration Details
2025 Spring Baseball Registration - Now Open!
Umpire Registration
Important Registration Details
Player Eligibility
Players are eligible to play for East Nepean Little League if they meet one of the following criteria:
- The player lives within the boundaries for East Nepean Little League
- The player lives outside the boundaries but the player or a sibling lived within the boundaries of East Nepean and played in the 2024 season.
- The player lives outside the boundaries but has played yearly without missing a season for East Nepean Little League since moving outside of the boundaries of East Nepean Little League.
- The player lives outside the boundaries but the player or sibling of the player goes to school within East Nepean Little League boundaries is now eligible.
League Boundaries
- Do you belong to East Nepean? Use the League Finder to find out
- Please refer to this map for league boundries (
- Starting in the northwest corner, the boundary is described in a counter-clockwise direction as:
- The northwest corner is in the middle the intersection of Woodroffe Avenue and Baseline Road.
- The western boundary is a sort of zigzag, running as follows: South along Woodroffe to Knoxdale. West on Knoxdale to Greenbank Road. South on Greenbank to Fallowfield Drive. West along Fallowfield to Moodie Drive. South on Moodie to Brophy Drive. West on Brophy to Eagleson/McCordick Rd. South on McCordick to Century Rd W. West on Century Road West, veering on to Goodstown Road and continuing west in a straight line until it intersects Montague Boundary Road. South on Montague until McKenna Road.
- The southern boundary runs northeastward from the Montague/McKenna intersection, along McKenna for a while, then along Klondike Road West, and then Klondike Road East to McCordick Road. Then it makes a slight bend and continues straight to the intersection of North Gower Road and Phelan Road West. Follows Phelan West, and then Phelan East, all the way to Rideau Valley Drive North. Turns south on Rideau Valley and runs to Roger Stevens Drive. Follows Roger Stevens until the bridge over the Rideau River.
- The western boundary runs through the Rideau River, on the east side of Long Island in Manotick and all the way to the train tracks crossing the river underneath Heron Road at Vincent Massey Park.
- The northern boundary runs from those train tracks westward along Heron and then Baseline Road until it reaches the intersection with Woodroffe Avenue
If you have further questions or wish to verify a player's eligibility, please email our Registrar at:
Age Boundaries and Fees
A player's Little League age is calculated by Little League International's age determination dates.
To determine your players age and to see the Little League age charts please go to or refer to the Little League age chart: